This week we made a lot of progress on the bathroom remodel....since Sunday, we wired the ceiling light/vent fan, prepared and laid the tile floor, and put up the beadboard walls. I started painting and installing some of the trim this morning, but it got so stinkin' hot this afternoon, I had to take a break and do something indoors before I gave myself a heat-stroke. The kids had their VBS program & luau (pig roast) at 6pm, so Paul wasn't able to get anything done on the bathroom until after we got back home at 8pm. But less than 2 hours later, 10 weeks to the day after we started demo on our bathroom, we **finally** have a POTTY! YEAH!!!!! I was given the honors of its first use, but in my excitement, I forgot to bring in a roll of tp. Oops! Ü
Here are a few pictures of our remodeling process....unfortunately, most of the time I was too busy working to bother taking pictures. lol

For a few weeks we had to give Jaden and Luke their baths in a storage tub on the kitchen floor. Not exactly what pioneer families had to endure in the name of cleanliness, but pretty darn close. lol Jaden screamed bloody murder the whole time....he must have been wondering if we were trying to murder him. LOL
Luke wasn't too sure about the storage tub either, but at least he didn't get the kitchen floor and Daddy as wet as Jaden did.

Here are a few shots of Jaden and Luke enjoying their very first bath in our new tub.

We had to bring the hot water in with buckets, and the room still had bare stud walls, plywood flooring, and no door, which made it a bit drafty, but the boys still thought it was much better than a storage tub on the kitchen floor!

Paul is mudding and taping the sheetrock around the tub/shower.

Here are a few shots of what it looks like now. As you can see, we still have a few things left to do....plumb the sink, finish painting and installing the trim, hang the medicine cabinet, wire the over-the-sink light fixture, and strip & repaint the door. But barring anything unforeseen, by this time next week we should be totally finished!

I never would have guessed that it would take us 2.5 months to finish....When Paul told me right after we started demo that one of his co-workers mentioned that *his* bathroom remodel had taken 3 months, I told Paul that it had better not take us that long, or he'd have a very unhappy wife on his hands. Maybe that's why he really poured it on this week. lol
Earlier this evening (right before we got the toilet set), Jason took two of his friends into the bathroom to show it off, and they were all ooo-ing and ahh-ing their approval. hahaha I think Jason is just relieved that we're almost finished, because we told him we'd start on his room next. We're going to put up paneling that looks like bricks on half of the room, then install (not ourselves) new navy blue shag carpet. Janae's room will also receive new pale lavender shag carpet at the same time.
We also still waiting on the cement guy to come back to fix our foundation problem and pour the new patio so we won't get any more water damage in the basement. He promised we'd be next on the list over a month ago, but he hasn't come back yet. Thankfully, the sand bags around the back door have kept rainwater at bay so far (not that we've had much rain over the past month). Once the concrete underlayment for the patio is poured, then we can set the patio tiles and have a cookout, hopefully by Labor Day weekend.
Is it too much to ask that we'll be finished with all of our projects in time to snuggle up for a long winter's nap? lol